How to Set Pronouns to Instagram on iPhone?

If you want to express your identity, you might want to add your pronouns to your Instagram profile. This is a simple way to let people know how you want to be addressed and respected. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to set pronouns to Instagram on iPhone in a few easy steps. You’ll also learn how to customize your pronouns and make them visible to only certain people. Let’s see how to do this.

What are Pronouns on Instagram?

Pronouns on Instagram are a way for users to share their gender identity and chosen pronouns with their followers and the public. Pronouns are words that refer to someone’s gender, such as he/him, she/her, they/them, etc. Some people use pronouns that match their assigned sex at birth, while others use pronouns that reflect their gender identity, which may differ from their assigned sex. Some people also use pronouns that are not gender-specific, such as they/them, or neopronouns, such as xe/xem or ey/em.

Instagram introduced a feature in May 2021 that allows users to add up to four pronouns to their profile, which appears next to their name in a lighter font. Users can choose from a list of common pronouns, or request to add new ones if they don’t see theirs. Users can also choose whether to display their pronouns to everyone or only to their followers. The feature is meant to help users express themselves more authentically and respectfully on the platform and to avoid misgendering or assuming someone’s gender based on their appearance or name.

Pronouns on Instagram are a voluntary and personal choice, and users can change or remove them at any time. Users can also choose not to add pronouns to their profile if they prefer. However, many users appreciate the option to share their pronouns, as it helps them feel seen and validated by their community. It also helps other users learn more about different gender identities and pronouns, and how to use them correctly and respectfully. Pronouns on Instagram are a simple but powerful way to celebrate diversity and inclusion on social media.

How to Set Pronouns to Your Instagram Profile on Your iPhone

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Tap on your profile picture (at the bottom right corner).
  • Tap on Edit Profile (at the top of your screen).
  • Now tap on Pronouns.
  • You can choose up to four pronouns from the list or type your own in the search box. Type and select from the suggestions as per your choice.
  • Tap on Done (at the top right of the screen).
  • Again, tap Done at the top right corner to save your changes.

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After making changes now you successfully set pronouns to your Instagram profile on your iPhone.  Now you can see your pronouns next to your name on your profile and other people can see them too.

Enable The Show to Follower Only Feature After Setting Pronouns to Instagram

You can also turn on the toggle for Show to Follower Only to make your pronouns visible only to people following you. If you do not turn it on then anyone can see your added pronouns. Let’s see how to enable Show to Follower Only feature.

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Tap on your profile picture (at the bottom right corner).
  • Tap on Edit Profile (at the top of your screen).
  • Now tap on Pronouns.
  • Turn on the toggle for Show to Follower Only.
  • Tap on Done (at the top right of the screen).
  • Again, tap Done at the top right corner to save your changes.

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After making changes, only your followers can see your added pronouns. If you do not enable it, everyone who visits your Instagram profile can see your added pronouns.


In conclusion, setting pronouns on Instagram on iPhone is a simple and quick way to express your identity and preferences to your followers and friends. You can choose from a list of common pronouns or create your custom ones. You can also decide who can see your pronouns on your profile. By adding pronouns to your Instagram bio, you can make the platform more inclusive and respectful for everyone.

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