About Us

Welcome to the MambaPost About Us page. Here you will find unique, time tested reviews about latest & upcoming technologies and software from time to time. Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for our readers to read.

We don’t want to be known as a content factory. That’s why we have made every article after thorough research and testing so that it is very easy to understand without any confusion. Our main aim is to make the article easy for the readers in such a way that they can understand it better and they don’t need to search anywhere else.

In latest & upcoming technologies we will focus on latest & upcoming technologies related news, their features and functionalities. We will also provide in-depth knowledge of latest & upcoming news regarding electronic gadgets and software in our review section. 

In future we may add more value-added services.

MambaPost Founder

Mayank, the founder of Mambapost, is a “blogger and content creator” related to electronic gadgets and latest technology.


I want to lead a boss free life so started my journey towards blogging and content creator in January 2023. Went through thorough analysis, bought a domain from Bluehost and created a WordPress website called “MambaPost”. Then started writing and posting articles in February 2023 after preparing all the basic layouts.

Why MambaPost Domain?

It was difficult for me to choose the right domain as all the good technology related domains were already registered. Lastly, I chose “MambaPost” because of its uniqueness. The word Mamba I took from a snake of the elapid family, which is a very fast and very venomous snake. Snakes has nothing to do with this website in any way. This name Mamba is taken because of his fierce character.

Prior to This

After having Graduation degree in Mathematics and Post-Graduation in MCA (Master of Computer Application) which is my highest qualification, started my career in IT sectors and worked for more than 12 years on different projects of State Government and Central Government. I also have a certification in Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases. I belong to Uttar Pradesh, India.

Apart from this, I also provide client liaison work and consultancy on e-Government IT projects.

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