ChatGPT Hallucinations: OpenAI New Strategy to Defeat It

OpenAI has come up with a clever plan to help AI models deal with hallucinations. They are teaching these models to reward themselves every time they make a correct decision or think logically. This strategy to Fight ChatGPT Hallucinations aims to make sure that AI stays on the right track and doesn’t get carried away by imaginary ideas.

What are ChatGPT hallucinations?

Even though AI chatbots like ChatGPT are smart, they sometimes behave in strange and unpredictable ways. They might say things that don’t make sense or give wrong information. We call this behavior AI “hallucinations.” But now, OpenAI, the team behind ChatGPT, has said that they are taking action to fix this problem (ChatGPT hallucinations). They want to make the chatbots more reliable and make sure they give accurate and helpful responses. It’s like teaching the chatbots to stay on the right path and not get lost in their thoughts.

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What is Process Supervision in fighting ChatGPT hallucinations?

The creators of ChatGPT have come up with a cool way to tackle the problem of hallucinations. They are training the AI models to give themselves rewards for making the right decisions along the way, instead of just at the very end. This approach is called “process supervision.

Normally, the AI only gets rewarded for getting the final answer correct, but now they want to reward the AI for each correct step of reasoning they take to reach the answer. It’s like giving them little pats on the back as they make progress, rather than waiting until they finish the whole task. This new strategy to fight ChatGPT hallucinations aims to make AI more reliable and better at providing accurate information.

Researchers on ChatGPT hallucinations

Researchers believe that using process supervision, the strategy where AI models reward themselves for each correct step of reasoning could make AI more understandable. It’s like the AI is thinking more like a human, following a logical chain of thought. OpenAI, the organization behind this idea, says that reducing hallucinations is important in the development of AGI, which stands for Artificial General Intelligence.


AGI is the kind of intelligence that would be able to understand the world just like humans do. So, by tackling ChatGPT hallucinations, they are taking a big step towards creating AI that’s as smart as us humans.

OpenAI views on process supervision

OpenAI’s blog post gives us a bunch of math examples to show, how process supervision makes AI more accurate. They use numbers and calculations to explain it. But OpenAI says they are not sure how well process supervision will work in other areas, not just math. They want to find out if it can help AI get better in different subjects and topics. They are going to do some exploring and see how process supervision can make a difference outside of math. It’s like they are going on an adventure to see where this new strategy to fight ChatGPT hallucinations can take them.

OpenAI already warned users about ChatGPT hallucinations

OpenAI wants to make sure everyone understands that we shouldn’t believe everything ChatGPT says. Right when you start chatting with it, they put a message on the screen that says, “ChatGPT might give wrong information about people, places, or facts.” They want us to be careful and not trust everything the AI says, especially when it comes to real-life things. It is like a reminder to be a smart detective and double-check the facts from reliable sources before believing everything ChatGPT tells us.

Open AI admitted that ChatGPT has a hallucinations issue

The company that made the AI, OpenAI, is admitting once again that the AI has some problems. They say that even the best and most advanced models can sometimes say things that are not true. When the AI is not sure about something, it might make up information that isn’t real. They call these made-up things “hallucinations”. In the case of ChatGPT, it is called ChatGPT hallucinations.

ChatGPT hallucinations are a big issue, especially in areas where you need to think through multiple steps to find the right answer. Just one mistake in the logic can mess up the whole solution. So, they need to find these hallucinations and fix them. They want to make sure the AI gets better at reasoning and gives us accurate information.

Experts on ChatGPT hallucinations

However, some smart people who know a lot about AI and some people who criticize OpenAI think that what OpenAI has done until now is not enough. They believe that OpenAI needs to be more open and clearer about what they are doing with AI. They also think that we should establish rules and regulations to control the usage of AI. These experts and critics aim to ensure fair and responsible use of AI. They want everyone to know what’s happening behind the scenes and to have rules to keep things in check.



OpenAI, the team behind ChatGPT, has come up with a plan to improve the AI’s reliability and accuracy. In the “process supervision”, they are training AI models to reward themselves for making correct decisions at each step of the reasoning process.

This new strategy to fight ChatGPT hallucinations aims to reduce AI “hallucinations,” where the AI may give wrong or nonsensical information.

OpenAI acknowledges that there’s still more to explore and test in different areas beyond math. They also emphasize the importance of not blindly trusting AI and encourage users to verify information from reliable sources. Critics keep on arguing for more transparency and regulation in AI development.

Article Credits: Indian Express

Note: Image Created By Bing Image Creator.

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