Top Security Threats Due to AI in 2023

Nowadays there is only boom of AI. New tools are coming in the market daily. Everyone has some features and some flaws too. There is a lot of talking about the features, but very little discussion is being done about security threat due to AI. Here we will discuss about the same. At the same time, they will also find out how to reduce or manage its risks.

Is AI an existential threat to humanity

A lot has been discussed and written about it by famous tech enthusiasts. Automating jobs, spreading fake news, and an AI-driven arms race are some of the biggest security threats due to AI. More security threats due to AI are:

Security Threat Due to AI: Cybersecurity Risk

Keeping the organization data and systems secure is one of the biggest challenges for businesses. AI will screw it up fast. It is also security threat due to AI. Imagine if an AI like ChatGPT could send mail to employees exactly as the boss writes it? Today’s AI technology can easily break firewall systems and other cyber technology. It will be very easy to identify weak points in the network through AI. Hence cyber security risk is the biggest security threat due to AI automation.

Losing jobs is the biggest security threat due to AI

Nowadays losing jobs is the biggest security threat due to AI automation. It seems in the near future more than 80 million jobs (lower-wages) are expected to be lost in industries like healthcare, marketing and manufacturing. Even graduates and postgraduate’s professional are also in lurch. But in contradiction it can also produce more than 97 million jobs if people change themselves (or Govt or Business identity support them to change) as per AI revolution.

AI algorithms can manipulate social behaviour

AI algorithms can manipulate social behaviour. This is another security threat due to AI automation. Big politicians can promote their ideology and capture the votes of young people. Creating images and videos is easy with AI technology. Because of this, it is very difficult for media and influencers to differentiate between credible and fake news and many times they promote fake news just because of this.

Security Threat Due to AI: Reputational Risk

Google described it as a “reputational risk” when ChatGPT arrived. But soon Google announced its AI “BARD”. The errors and embarrassments of Bing (Microsoft AI) initially prove Google’s concerns to be correct. People are closely watching the behavior of AI. If your AI doesn’t work according to your company’s values ​​it can easily ruin your relationship with customers and result in disaster. It is also a concern security threat due to AI automation.

Security Threat Due to AI: AI algorithms can manipulate System

Another security threat due to AI automation is system manipulation. It can be designed in such a way that it can make wrong predictions by providing malicious inputs to the system. In other words, we can say that it can force decisions on unverified data.

Social surveillance is another security threat due to AI automation

Social surveillance is another security threat due to AI automation. This affects the privacy and security of the people. AI facial recognition technology can easily track a person’s activities, movements, political views and relationships. Recently China did this with AI automation.

security threats due to AI

AI can be biased

Since AI is created by humans, the development of AI is also subject to bias. This is also a potential security threat due to AI automation. Because of their racial demographics and socioeconomic areas, it is challenging for all people to think broadly.

Legal Risk

Another security threat because of AI automation is legal risk. There are new rules coming soon that say who will be responsible if something goes wrong with your product or service because of your AI? AI Developer? data supplier? Product or Service Provider? or will it be you? These will tend to put you at legal risk.

AI can weak Ethics and Goodwill

With the rise of ChatGPT people are enrolling to write assignments which are really a threat to creativity and academic integrity. Instead of thinking about AI automation, people only think about how to make money using this tool. But this approach is not unique to humans. They have always done this and will always do so in the future. This is also a security threat because of AI automation.

AI Powered Automated Weapons

It is also the biggest security threat because of AI automation. AI and robotics researchers continue to invest in AI-powered autonomous weapons. Autonomous weapons will be the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow due to the growing global arms race. The main danger is when these self-guided weapons fall into the wrong hands.

Security Threat Due to AI: Financial Crisis

AI automated trading may be responsible for a major financial crisis in the future in the stock market. AI trading algorithms can make thousands of trades (buy and sell) in a short period of time for small profits. This can lead to a sudden collapse of the trading system and volatility in the market. Even AI automated trading can help in making more informed decisions but financiers need to be sure about their AI algorithms and their decision-making processes. This is also potential security threat because of AI.

Operational Risk

Last but not least among the security threats due to AI automation is operational risk. What if your employee misuses ChatGPT, Bing or Bard? Recently a Samsung employee did. What if the AI ​​doesn’t work as you expected? What if an AI tool tells you to double your sales or purchases and gets it wrong? It’s not a good idea to adopt AI too quickly.

How to mitigate security threat due to AI automation

We know that AI has many benefits but some rules are also necessary to mitigate security threats due to AI automation.

  • There is a need to develop worldwide rules for AI. The world needs to join hands together to make it happen.
  • There is a need to create organizational standards for using artificial intelligence.
  • The company needs to make AI a part of its culture and discussions. Also, the company needs to implement AI in an ethical manner.
  • We know that AI is an important tool for the challenges we face, so AI creators need to balance human-centered innovation.


It is too soon to say whether AI is a winner or a loser. AI has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. Since AI is in its experimental mode, we need to move slowly and carefully considering all its positive and negative aspects.

Looking at all these security threats due to AI, we need to be careful. We all know that there is no alternative to the human brain, so there is no need to take AI very seriously right now.
