Data Never Dies: The Truth About App Deletion

Nowadays, App is available for every small task and it has also become a habit of people to use App for small work. But it is very important to know that when you delete the app, it will not delete all your data present (including your phone number) in it. Did you know this? It is absolutely true that data never dies.

Today in this blog post, we will tell how to keep our data safe before deleting the App, which data can harm us by deleting the App and how we can save our data after deleting the App. We will also let you how to deregister phone number from the Truecaller App because data never dies (phone number still exists on Truecaller server) even after deleting or uninstalling the App.

Data Never Dies: How to keep our data safe before deleting the App

Before deleting the app, we should make sure about the safety of our data. Once we delete it, our system or mobile removes all our information. Since we know that data never dies, so if any data is confidential then our privacy can be in danger. That’s why before deleting we should adopt some security measures.

We should also take backup of all the images, videos, and files kept in our App in a separate folder. So that we can access our data when needed.

After deleting, it should also be ensured that no one else can access any data that was stored in the App. With this you can save your privacy.

Many apps also give access to their cloud service to store data. Before uploading on the cloud, we must check whether those cloud services are authentic or not. If it is authentic, then we can store our backup in encrypted way.

Data Never Dies: Which data can harm us by deleting the App

Even knowing that data never dies, we delete the App, then all the data present in the system gets deleted. But there is no surety about the data being deleted from the App’s server as well. On deleting the App, the information present in the system (laptop/desktop/mobile) such as usernames, passwords, credit card information, images, videos, files or other sensitive data gets deleted. That’s why we must ensure security so that identity theft or financial loss or emotional distress or work-related issues can be avoided.

Some apps also store our online behaviour such as our search history, social media activity, or location data. Therefore, if we delete such an app without first ensuring that the data is safe, then any third-party service using these data can target us for unnecessary ads and contents.

How we can save or retrieve our data after deleting the App

Once you delete an app, it is very difficult to save our data stored within it. Even after knowing that data never dies following are some steps through which you can save your data after deletion:

Use cloud storage: Many apps offer cloud storage options. If you have already enabled it before deleting the app then you can save your data by accessing it from other devices.

Device Backup: If you follow backup your device data regularly then there is a chance to recover data from backup file.

Contact the app developer: You can contact the app developer. They can help you recover the data.

Data Recovery Software: You can use data recovery software programs to save your data back.

Note: It is challenging but not impossible to re-save your data which is present in an app before deletion.

How to deregister phone number from the Truecaller App

Truecaller App is most used worldwide on Android and iOS platform. It is accurate search service to get identity of phone caller. Because of this we can find out who is calling. If there is any spam call, then with the help of this app, we can put it in the spam category and block it as well. But when we delete the Truecaller App, then the App gets deleted but our number remains present on the Truecaller App’s server. That’s why we can say that data never dies even after deleting apps. How can we remove or un list or deregister our phone number from Truecaller App?

Before proceeding further, let us tell you that once your number is deleted from the Truecaller database, then when you call someone, Truecaller will not show your name to the other person who is calling.

  • Open Truecaller App on mobile.
  • Tap on the menu (present at top left).
  • Tap on settings option from the list.
  • Tap on the Privacy Center.
  • Now tap on the Deactivate option.
  • New window will appear and tap on ‘Yes.’
  • Now it will delete the Truecaller account (App) immediately from your mobile.
  • Go to web browser (either on mobile browser or browser on desktop/laptop) and visit Truecaller.
  • Enter your Country Code (if ask).
  • Enter your mobile number.
  • Click on Checkbox “I’m not robot” for verification.
  • Click on Unlist button.

Now you will get a confirmation window. It will ask your permission to Unlist. Now you click on Unlist in the popup message and your job done.

Now it will display that it will remove your number in next 24 hours from their database.

Note: You cannot Unlist your number from the Truecaller app. You need to visit the Truecaller website on your mobile or laptop/desktop browser.


In today’s digital age, we use many apps which store our personal data. We ourselves give permission to access that personal information. When you delete apps, you think that all the data also deleted, but in reality, it does not happen. Because in various ways if we need data then we can get back which shows that data never dies.

As we have seen that deleting Truecaller app does not delete our number from their servers, for that we have to do separate process. It’s the same with all apps. That’s why we should install apps wisely and give them access to our personal information wisely because data never ends.

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