Social Skills for AI: Unlocking the Next Frontier of Learning

Nowadays people want to use AI in every work. After launching ChatGPT, the craze of AI increased a lot. AI has been scheduling business meetings for a long time. AI applications like Siri and Google Assistant have been scheduling meetings since long ago at the request of the user. But applications with AI features like these do not have any social understanding. So they are not able to set priorities for meetings according to social understanding. So as far as it seems social skills are the next goal for AI learning. Because without this AI cannot be more advanced.

As per China based researchers AI is clever but it has lack of social skills. As per first author of Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI) Lifeng Fan, “our society and daily life has been transformed by artificial intelligence”.  

Social Skills for AI

AI Future Challenges as per Lifeng Fan

The main future challenges will be Artificial Social Intelligence (ASI) as per Lifeng Fan from Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI).

As per report published in CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research, ASI has a lots multiple subfields including social perception, theory of mind (which is the understanding that others think from their point of view) and social interactions.

By identifying gap between AI and human social intelligence, as well as existing issues and upcoming directions, Fan said the field will be better prepared to advance.

According to Fan, the work of Artificial Social Intelligence is completely different from our understanding as well as challenging too. As per Lifeng Fan, ASI requires ability to interpret latent social signs (i.e., eye-rolling or yawning) and to recognize other agent mental state.

Fan also said that “to make future progress of Artificial Social Intelligence, we recommend a more holistic approach. This holistic approach utilizes different learning procedures like lifelong learning, one-/few-shot learning, multi-task learning, meta-learning, etc just as humans do.

Fan said that we need to create new environments and data sets, need to define new problems, need to build new computational model and set up new evaluation protocols. The main goal is to equip Artificial intelligence with high-level Artificial Social Intelligence and improve human well-being with help of ASI”.


Artificial intelligence is smart but it has lack of social skills. Today’s date main future challenge for AI is Artificial Social Intelligence. In future through Artificial Social Intelligence, we may fill gap between AI and human social intelligence. In future ASI also requires to understand human signs. It’s challenging but social skills are the next goal for AI learning.

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