New Online Security Service Launched by NCSC

The New Online Security Service has been launched by the National Cyber Security Centre i.e., NCSC for the United Kingdom’s small business identities. This is the latest and new security service.

Because of the rise of cyber attacks on small business identities National Cyber Security Centre decided to protect them with their two new security tools.

New Online Security Service In Short

  • NCSC introduced two new services for small business identities to secure and protect them on the internet.
  • Almost every third business identity experienced cyber-attack.
  • As a part of the Cyber Aware campaign “Cyber Action Plan” and “Check Your Cyber Security” are two new tools.

Before going into detail, we need to identify what is the main cause behind the rise of cyber-attacks on small business identities and how NCSC service going to help in protecting such small companies or organizations. Let’s see more in this article.

New Online Security Service: Two New Online Security Services Launched

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) launched two new services to help the United Kingdom’s millions of small business identities to improve and protect their existence. The two services “Cyber Action Plan” and “Check Your Cyber Security” are the latest phase of the Cyber Aware campaign by NCSC. Cyber Aware campaign is started to raise awareness of cyber security. This Cyber Aware campaign is especially for small business identities and sole traders. It will help millions of UK small business identities.

Cyber Action Plan and Check Your Cyber Security

The NCSC offers services and products to support small business identities. National Cyber Security Centre encourages all small business identities to gain benefits from these two services i.e., Cyber Action Plan and Check Your Cyber Security tools. 

Both tools are very easy to use. Through this, small business identities can improve their online security and protect their all operations too. The Cyber Action Plan hardly takes 5 minutes to complete.  Through this business identities can improve their cyber security.

The “Check Your Cyber Security” tool for Small Business Identities is very user-friendly. Even non-tech user can also able to identify cyber security issues and also able to fix them within their business.

Any small business identities, charities, and schools can access this “Check Your Cyber Security” tool through the Cyber Action Plan. Through this businesses or organizations can minimize cyber risks.

What are the Various Cyber Security Risks for Small Business

Almost all small business identities remain a significant target for cyber attackers. Snow Windows and Loaf Manchester are two small business identities that experienced cyber-attacks and highlighted the devastating effects.  Almost one-third of the United Kingdom’s small businesses have suffered cyber-attacks for long. Levels of attacks are:

  • Ransomware attacks.
  • Compromise email of business identities
  • Service Denial
  • Phishing
  • SQL injection

There are many more levels of attacks too. But by using NCSC’s new tools and cybersecurity best practices, business identities, charities, and schools can minimize the risks.


In the world of the Internet, cyber security is a must for every business identity.  It doesn’t matter if it is a small business identity or a big business identity. For UK small business identity NCSC launched security services which are the latest online security services and the Cyber Action Plan and Check Your Cyber Security tool. Through these services, the UK’s small business identities can minimize their risks from Cyber Attacks. NCSC chief executive Lindy Cameron and National Chairperson of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Martin McTague also suggested that small business identities use these two services i.e., Cyber Action Plan and Check Your Cyber Security. They highlighted that these two resources will help small business identities to become more cyber resilient and minimize the cost and trouble caused by cybercrime.

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