It is the world’s first robot to charge an electric vehicle, named Parky. It is designed and developed by EVAR (Electric Vehicle Automatic Recharging). This is a very cool looking little robot. Simply park your electric vehicle in the parking lot and the Parky automatically detects the direction of the electric vehicle using image marker reference and charges it.
Parky honored with the Triple-Crown Award at CES-2023 (the biggest and most influential tech event) in the ‘Smart-Cities’ and ‘Robotic’ categories. EVAR becomes the first electric vehicle charger manufacturer in the world to receive five Innovation Awards from CES, two years in a row.
ESS Mounted Parky does not require a parking lot or is completely independent of a parking lot and can charge an EV whenever and wherever a driver needs it. This Parky robot is the first market-ready premium product of the world’s that is highly anticipated to launch in 2023 and will also be released in overseas where regulations are less restrictive.
ROBOT Parky Features

It has great awesome look and little compact size. Park your car anywhere in parking lot including super busy parking lots, call Parky using NFC and QR code present in the connector will automatically guide Parky to reach you easily.
Robot Parky has Ultrasonic, LiDAR and Bumpers for safety. Parky get stop automatically when it finds any obstacles through these sensors.
How To Use Robot Parky

- Park you EV Car anywhere in parking lot
- Just mount your car license plate with EV robot connector
- Now send request for charging by tagging NFC nearby
- Rest Parky will do
Parky can prove to be a boon for electric vehicles for the times to come. Till now, the electric vehicle not used properly in the whole world as it should be. But it will increase in the coming time. Then a robot like Parky will be most needed. If we talk in the context of India, then it may take about four to five years for it to come, because till now the implementation of electric vehicle has not been done properly in India. But there is a big possibility of Parky coming to India in future.
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